Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Blog 23

In class, I spoke with Professor Chandler and she advised me that it would be helpful to include the observation of the child after all; however if i am unable to obtain the consent form from his mother then I should just do a second quick-interview with the teacher. In the inter view I can ask the teacher questions that obtain to what I have already noticed about the child without making it my own, but making it hers. So I decided to write down more things that I have noticed from my data. This is what I have.

-A strategy she uses is the interpretation  "buddy-up" system where she has a student who speaks the ELL student's language and English together to sit and translate things to him. The problem that arose with that is that the ELL student felt frustrated  with another student telling him what to do all the time. It must be hard for him constantly being told what to do, but it must be even harder to have a peer, your own age bossing you around. That would make someone feel inadequate.
-He seemed frustrated not being able to understand and constantly being told what to do. His frustration may have been a cause in him taking it out on others--i.e. pushed a student, throwing things.

I will conduct my second interview hopefully tomorrow when I go to the school. I have prepared more questions to ask the teacher, and hopefully will be able to gather more data to make an adequate analysis.

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