Monday, April 1, 2013

Blog 15

In preparation for our final project, we practiced interviewing each other. Krista and I interviewed each other and I used my phone to record the interview. Unfortunately I was unable to upload or email the interview. We started by stating the lead, we stated our names, the date and time, and what we were doing. This is somewhat how the interview went:

Suzy: How old were you when 9/11 happened?
Krista: I was 11, yea, yea, I was 11
Suzy: How did you find out about it?
Krista: Well I was in 6th grade so they didn't want to tell us, the teachers didn't want to tell us. One girl, in my French class said that the twin towers were hit. But then the teachers tried to cover it up like, oh no why would anything like that happen. But then when I went home, it was just weird. My mom’s friend, she lived in Jersey City and saw the whole thing happen. And my mom’s friend in tears, so yea.
Suzy: What was your reaction like?
Krista: It was weird because I was still really young when it happened so I didn't understand the full grasp of it. I had to be let down gently because we had recently went on a trip to the twin towers and I was like wait but I don’t understand it was just up how can it be down. I mean I was still young so I didn't understand it fully, you know the deaths , but then we found out later in books and stuff.
Suzy: How did the school react?
Krista: it was really weird but I didn't think much of it, I thought it was like, you know, it must just be a busy day. And that was the time where the cell phones were new so you know
Suzy: Did you know anyone who was affected by it personally?
Krista: NO one in New York really affected me, but my mom’s friend, they worked in the Pentagon, so it was pretty scary. But no one got hurt thank God.

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