Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blog 5.5

Teacher starts talking and everyone in the class looks around with perplexed looks on their faces. Teacher starts talking about the different ways that we will be analyzing and asks students.
Stephanie looks around and puts her head down on the table-confused? Frustrated?

Teacher asks for volunteers to speak about what they will be analyzing. Joanna volunteers to speak. The other students (some) look at Joanna as she speaks-giving her attention. Specifically Sharrelle, Jillian, Jenna, Corrine, and Stephanie. They also take notes. Stephanie is seated at her computer with both legs on the table. Stephanie and Corrine look at each other and giggle.

Joanna is reading from her blog post.
Teacher asks question. Jillian raises her hand. Teacher calls on Jillian, Jillian starts talking about her project. She doesn't read. As the teacher walks to the back of the classroom Jillian continues to look at her as she talks. Others look at Jillian as she talks. Others take notes. Kimberly looks confused, but takes notes. There are giggles in the class every now and then. Stephanie and Krista look at each other. Stephanie shrugs. 

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