Saturday, March 2, 2013

Blog 11

Data Set 4
What are the connections between the marginal comments and the end-note or overall comments? 

Both the marginal and end comments are giving feedback to improve the essays, however, the marginal comments give more detail and suggestions, whereas the end comments give a general overview of comments. The end comments also restate some of the comments in the margins but not all.

In Sample 2, 3, 4 both dive overall comments on developing stronger introductions and more detail and organization.
Sample 1, and 4 developing the essay, where 4 needs to condense and pick specifics and then develop on those specifics.

Sample 1- Except for the part I marked above, this overview works well.
Sample 2- Need to go a little further with this (see criteria=> Reflective discussion on the on-going evolution of your process, Conclusion that sets up a plan for your future writing process
Sample 3 - Work on your introduction.  This is too general.
Sample 4- This feels like it’s starting in the middle.  My gut says there needs to be some introductory material before it, setting up the context before you complicate the term.
These for codes are all make suggestions concerning the introduction. They all suggest that the introduction needs to be developed in some way.

Organizing- Organizing the essay that will make sense to the reader
Developing- conduct more research or add more arguments to make the essay stronger
 Detail- picking a statement and asking the who’s, what’s, how’s etc…
Generally agreeing with a statement or paragraph,
Disagreeing or bringing up an argument for a statement or paragraph

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