Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blog 28

Essay: 100 points------------------96
Data + analysis: 300 points-----277 
Writing process: 100 points----96

Evaluating your final draft:  Use the rubric below

Focus (30)---29

Audience/genre (25)-----25

Organization (20)----18
Not sure about how I organized my paper, I ended up changing it a few times.

Development (20)----19

Correctness (5)-----5

Criteria for the Writing process were listed on the assignment sheet as follows:
The essay will be developed through a series of drafts that demonstrate:
1.       a variety of techniques for invention and revision (blog posts for research plan + brainstorming for topic)=95
Blog 16, Blog 17, Blog 18, Blog 19, Blog 20
I definitely came up with various ideas to try to get my data collected, even though they didn’t work out. I came up with subsequent interview questions and ideas to keep the data flowing.

2.       increased quality of writing and ideas throughout the revision process (posts of successive drafts or sections of drafts)= 90
Blog 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

3. thoughtful analysis of how and what to revise in successive drafts (evidence in blog posts about what you will revise, how you chose your topic, what you need to work on for your project)  I documented things that I needed to work on
= 92

Blogs 16-26
To evaluate your writing process: 95
List the blog posts that demonstrate your writing process blogs 23-29
I believe that I made numerous revisions despite the situation I was in. I did get stuck at certain points but I feel that since I documented that and still put up blogs on the revisions I had it was a good effort.
My writing is clear to understand and has few errors.

Overall score= 469-500

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